It’s raining Apple news today. The Cupertino giant officially unveiled the White iPhone 4 earlier, and there are rumours of an upcoming iMac lineup refresh. Eclipsing that is a majorly relevant announcement for us Indians though – one that confirms that Apple will be launching the iPad 2 in India (and eleven other countries) on April 29.
India's got iPad 2!
The iPad sequel didn’t include the Retina Display but it did come with FaceTime video calling and a bunch of other technical improvements, including being a whole lot slimmer than the original. Check the specs out:
- 9.7-inch LED backlit IPS Panel display running at 1024x768
- Dual-core 1GHz A5 processor
- WiFi a/b/g/n and 3G (optional)
- Available in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB variants
- 720p Video Recording at 30fps
- Front-facing VGA camera from FaceTime video calling
The iPad 2 will go on sale at 0900 on April 29 and will be priced at Rs. 29,500 (16GB), Rs. 34,500 (32GB) and Rs. 39,500 (64GB) for the WiFi only models, and at Rs. 36,900 (16GB), Rs. 41,900 (32GB) and Rs. 46,900 (64GB) for the WiFi + 3G versions. The Smart Covers are also being made available, and will cost Rs. 2,100 and Rs. 3,800 for the Polyurethene and Rich Leather variants respectively.
The announcement comes as a bit of a surprise considering the original iPad only released here three months ago but hey, we're not complaining.
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